Thursday 26 October 2017

100 Word Challenge Week #7

            As the door slammed, I knew that I will never be the same. It was the last straw... I was going to boarding school!! My mom always threatend me with that but I never thought she would do it. Day one in boarding school was terrible. I was the smallest and the weakest person, but the worst part was that there was nothing to do or read. Also so I wouldn't see my friends until next July. We were only one week into the school year at Wolfridge secondary school. I got the teacher I least wanted but I had to go with it when...  

Thursday 12 October 2017

100 Word Challenge Week #5

It is soft and small. I look at it every morning , it sits on my shelf in perfect condition , it is oval and has a name written on it in perfect cersive. In 20 years it will be more expensive , I was proud to own such an object. I got it on regular school day. You can't get any more. You can squish it and it has the king of the jungle on it. It ha two of the first three letters of the alphabet. Sitting on my dresser in perfect glory , I cherish it every day. With pride. It is also a ball of sort. What is it.