Thursday, 2 November 2017

100 word challenge week #8

It was Halloween morning. I sneaked down the stairs to the living room, where I was stopped by my
Mom. I was hoping to avoid this conversation it was about yesterday...     We were setting up the gym for the school's Halloween party when the humongous Wight skeleton crashed and burned. The principal called everyone in to discuss the flame incident...  Long story short  he told my mom that I might be one of the culprits. She flipped, but tomorrow I need to get to the public swimming pool for the swim meet. We were celebrated for being 5th best in the state, so we are throwing a party and I bet there is a bigger problem there.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Babygronk,
    Only the prompt words should be highlighted, and your writing should be one paragraph. Similar to last week, your story is great, to a point. Up to 'culprits', your story is suspenseful and promising. Then it switches to something else entirely, and is disappointing. Stick with the one idea and develop it. If you were the culprit, could your punishment be to have to skip the celebration and swimming the following day? Also, you would benefit from word processing your story in a 'Word' document first, then copying and pasting it into your blog. 'Word' will help you realize where you have made spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes. Congratulations on completing the 100 Word Challenge Week #8.
    Mrs. Van
